Thursday, May 27, 2010

i'm sorry

we never argued, not really
it was always so easy to communicate with him
somehow, though it wasn't intentional
I'd hurt him
i could hear it in his voice
and it broke my heart
that I'd cause some kind of hurt
innocently, all misunderstandings but still
his feelings are in the care of my hands

I'd never gone that amount of time without speaking to him
hardly what some might consider a lapse in time
but for us, for me, it seemed an eternity
and panic set in
it robbed me of sleep
it occupied all thoughts
i cried rivers of tears

in the end, he brought my smile back
just by reconfirming US
i ruined his DAY
and i think of ways to make it up, can i?

all i learned is
love is precious
his love is truly sustenance for my soul
he is a part of me that without, i can't function
simply i love him, i adore him, i need him, i cherish him
and mostly I'm sorry

Saturday, May 22, 2010

i sit here at this blank page
wanting to be inspired
to write something wonderful
funny, i have a hundred thoughts in my head
but not one word, sentence, phrase comes to mind
i type and erase
none of what i write seems meaningful
i type and erase
afraid to have others see my words
and maybe see the real me
so i type and erase

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

a child like tempter tantrum..that's me

i feel like a child with the whole
"its not fair" thing
but i feel like a temper tantrum might help
the incredible need to scream and cry
the overwhelming need to be held and comforted
to have the soothing whispers of "things will be ok"
i'm angry
i'm scared
i'm incredibly sad
It isn't fair!
I know where i'm supposed to be and i'm NOT
Why is this so painful, this time?

i sat here forever
wanting to write away the tears i feel
but i type and erase
and i type and erase
I'm not even sure about the words
so why am i sittitng here in front of the screen
with nothing and everything in my head
its the same old tired story
why???? whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???
i foolishly sit here tears dropping on to the keyboard
where my fingers seem to fail
what is wrong with me?
the shoulder i want, is always waterlogged as of late
why is it, only through invisibility, can i extend my hand out for help
but when he asks...i say i'm ok?
what if...the one day i extend my hand... he doesn't take it